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lifetime of lifetimes and recertifying such payments on the basis of the reduced actuarial value. In the latter case, recovery shall be deemed to have been completed upon such certification. 

(c) There shall be no recovery in any case in which more than the correct amount of annuities, or lump sums under this Act has been paid to as individual or payment has been made to an individual not entitled thereto who, in the judgement of the Board, is without fault when, in the judgement of the Board, recovery would be contrary to the purpose of the Act or would be against equity or good conscience.

(d) No certifying or disturbing officer shall be held liable for any amount certified or paid by him in good faith to any person where the recovery of such amount is waived under subsection (c) of this section or has been begun but cannot be completed under subsection (a) of this section.



Decisions of the Board determining the rights or liabilities of any person under this Act shall be subject to judicial review in the same manner, subject to the same limitations, and all provisions of law shall apply in the same manner as though the decision were a determination of corresponding rights or liabilities under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, except that the time within which proceedings for the review of a decision with respect to an annuity, or lump sum may be commenced shall be one year after the decision will have been entered upon the records of the Board and communicated to the claimant.



(a) 1. The Board shall have exercise all the duties and powers necessary to administer this Act. The Board shall take such steps as may be necessary to enforce such Acts and make awards and certify payments. Decisions by the Board upon issues of law and fact relating to annuities or lump sums shall not be subject to review by any other administrative or accounting officer, agent, or employee of the United States.

2. If the Board finds that an applicant is entitled to an annuity or lump sum payment under the provisions of this Act, then the Board shall make an award fixing the amount of the annuity or lump sum payment and shall certify the payment thereof as hereinafter provided; otherwise the application shall be denied. 

3. The Board shall from time to time certify to the Secretary of the Treasury the name and address of each individual entitled to receive a payment, the amount of such payment, and the time at which it should be made, and the Secretary of the Treasury through the Division of Disbursements of the