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Report of Irregularity
Trip No. 318 - 5/30/47

As we were descending into Burlington from a very high altitude, Captain Gitt came into the cabin and told me to waken my passengers as we would be descending very fast. I started down the aisle waking my passengers and fastening their seat belts. Mrs. Frank Reicher - 516 Belmont Avenue - Newark, New Jersey - was seated in seat 14A. She had her head on a pillow on the arm of her chair. I leaned over and asked her to fasten her seat belt and, at the same time, her friend, seated in seat #15, tapped her on the shoulder and told her to fasten her seat belt. Surmising that she would do so after having been told twice, I went on up the aisle waking up the rest of my passengers, as I had twenty-one people. The