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Tel. FL 3-8443  
148-25 Bayside Ave.
Flushing, L. I.
New York, N. Y.
August 15th, 1948

Mr. Norman Hunter,
Council 64, PCA
c/o PCA LaGuardia Field,
Long Island,

Dear Mr. Hunter:
In one of Dave Belmcke's recent membership letters, he related that a chief pilot of one air line contributed one hundred dollars to the National Strike Fund.  We have learned who that chief pilot is, and the pilots of council 28, New York, have decided to tender him a testimonial dinner.

We have also decided that it would be a splendid opportunity to help build up a little moral if we could invite the local National Pilots as our guests.  Local Council 28, New York has passed such a resolution and as a result, we are holding a dinner party at:

The Colonial House
158-06 Northern Blvd.
Flushing, L. I.
New York, N. Y.
19:30 Eastern Daylight Time
Wed. August 25, 1948
Subscription - $5.00 per person

It is our thought that this affair should really be more representative of ALPA rather than Council 28, and with that in mind it was decided to send in invitation to each local New York Council Chairman and ask hi, to send along representatives so that we could all join and do honor to a splendid guy and at the same time pep up the local striking National Airline Pilots for whom we cannot do enough.