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Washington 25


April 25, 1948

Mr. H. B. Cox
Pilot Representative 
Air Line Pilots Association
National Press Building
Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Cox:

We should like to report to you on what has been accomplished by the action that has been taken pursuant to your letter of September 9, 1947, regarding the carriage of reptiles aboard air carrier aircraft engaged in passenger service. 

Upon our request the domestic carriers who are members of the Air Traffic conference of America reconsidered their applicable tariff rule published in Agent M.F. Redfern's Local and Join Passenger Rules Tariff No. PR-2, C.A.B. No. 12 and effective February 1, 1948, amended the provision pertaining to the carriage of live animals to read as follows:


(B) Articles acceptable as - General ****
Unless special arrangements have been made, no participating carrier will accept the following articles for transportation:


(2) Live animals (other than pets and dogs trained to lead the blind, as provided in paragraphs (D) and (E) of this Rule), but such articles will not be accepted under any circumstances unless they are harmless, inoffensive and odorless, and require no attention in transit***. 

You will note that this prohibits the transportation of harmful or poisonous reptiles as baggage under any circumstances.

An examination was made of all the passenger, express, and freight tariffs of certificated carriers and Railway Express Agency, incorporated filed with the Board and in the few cases where it was found that the transportation of poisonous reptiles was not prohibited we have taken the matter up with the carriers. All except four have amended their tariffs to prohibit the transportation of poisonous or dangerous reptiles and those carriers have indicated that their tariffs will be likewise amended within the near future. We are again urging them to so amend their tariffs immediately.