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August 4, 1948

Subject: Employment Agreements for Pilots of Pacific Northern Airlines and American Airlines

To     : All Local Councils

Dear Chairman:

On April 20, 1948, we sent you a copy of the Monarch Employment Agreement and since that date we have concluded an Agreement for the pilots of Pacific Northern Airlines in Alaska, and a new American Airlines Pilots' Employment Agreement. Both of these documents are attached and I suggest you peruse them carefully.

Negotiations on American began January 27, 1948, and after three series of conferences, the services of the National Mediation Board were invoked and finally on July 16, 1948, the Agreement was completed. 

We did not obtain everything we had hoped for during these 1948 AA negotiations; however, a number of note worthy gains were made. As the fellow said, "Consistent gains are steps towards the ultimate goal", which is in this case proper levels of compensation for the pilots. 

You will note in the AA copilot scale, we have increased the increment from $20.00 to $23.64; then, too, the top is $550.00, which is reached at the end of the sixth year.

A comparison of the former copilot scale with the new scale results in the following:
                         Former      New
                         Scale       Scale     Increase

 1st six months -------- $250.00     $290.00    $ 40.00
 2nd six months -------- 280.00      313.64       33.64
 3rd six months -------- 310.00      337.28       27.28
 4th six months -------- 330.00      360.92       30.92
 5th six months -------- 350.00      384.56       34.56
 6th six months -------- 370.00      408.20       38.20
 7th six months -------- 390.00      431.84       41.84
 8th six months -------- 410.00      455.48       45.48
 9th six months -------- 410.00      479.12       69.12
10th six months -------- 410.00      502.76       92.76
11th six months -------- 410.00      526.40      116.40
12th six months -------- 410.00      550.00      140.00

The majority of copilots fall within steps six (6) to eleven (11), which means increases ranging from $38.20 per month to $116.40 per month with approximately twenty (20) copilots receiving and increase of $140.00 per month. The figures obtained on American are not top level for copilots and we must push forward. The effective date for these new copilot rates is March 1, 1948, which means retroactive pay from that date. Moreover, this is the date the old agreement expired. Not