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defendant, and (4) a temporary and permanent receiver of National Airlines, Inc.

This suit is an outgrowth of the strike involving all pilots of National Airlines, Inc., although the Air Line Pilots Association is not named as a party to the present action. The pilots' Association, however, did bring an action against the company in the New York Supreme Court in April of this year, charging violation of federal law and breach of contract for the settlement of a grievance involving Maston G. O'Neal, a discharged pilot.

The present action charges "gross mismanagement, waste, and deliberate and unlawful breach of duty," and also alleges "unlawful, deliberate and reckless violation" of the Railway Labor Act and of a decision of the Presidential Emergency Board issued July 9, 1948.

It is further alleged that in its decision the Presidential Emergency Board found that the acts of the company "were unlawful and improper, in disregard for statutory and contractual obligations, and inconsistent with the duties imposed by Congress on carriers in interstate commerce."

According to the complaint, the strike which has existed since February 3 was unnecessary and could have been settled at any time merely by processing the grievance involving the discharged pilot before a neutral referee appointed by the National Mediation Board. It is claimed that the acts of the defendant were "wholly without justification and without conceivable benefit to the corporation and its stockholders."


Edward C. Modes,
Director of Publicity
and Public Relations
Phone: Grovehill 2200