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From Local Council 3, TWA 
Telephone L0gan 8296
101 East Armour Blvd. Kansas City 2, Mo.
Issue No. Three
27 July 1948
The determined stand of the ALPA and the pilots of National was completely vindicated by the decision handed down from the President's Emergency Board. The entire blame for the strike was laid at the feet of the National Airlines management. Quoted below is a letter from the Headquarters summarizing the decision:
"The Presidential Emergency Board appointed by the President under Executive Order, May 15, 1948, to investigate the facts and report concerning disputes between the National Airlines, Inc., and certain of its employees represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, International, and the International Association of Machinists, filed its report today.
"The Board found the Airline had been guilty of violation of the Railway Labor Act, as amended, under which labor law air carriers operate, and recommend that all employees discharged by the company by reason of their going out on strike, be reinstated as working employees of the company. 
"Recommendation was further made for the establishment of a method of settlement in the existing dispute between the company's pilots and the company, and for deciding any like disputes that may arise in the future.
"For clerical, office, stores, fleet and passenger employees the Board recommend a procedure to enable them and the company to re-enter direct negotiations for an agreement affecting their rates of pay, hours, and working conditions. 
"The Board membership was Grady Lewis, Chairman, of Washington, D.C., Walter V. Schaefer of Chicago, Ill., and Curtis W. Roll, of Kokomo, Indiana."
The latest news affecting National is the strong probability of a merger between Delta and National. The latter's desperate financial situation is undoubtedly a factor in the proposed merger, which would be the biggest in airline history. The network formed by the two airlines would rank fifth in size among the domestic airlines. It is expected that if the merger goes through, C. E. Woolman, president of Delta will head the new system and Baker of National will be out.