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To All ALPA Members          -3-               April 15,1948

Board on November 7 to settle the strike and avoided all the trouble - the strike and all of its resulting difficulties. This is no time for hesitating or wavering or grumbling. It is a time to go 100% all out and show the opposition that we are 100% organized and capable of representing ourselves in any and every crisis, and that we intend to stay that way.

     Read the enclosed National assessment billing card carefully and return it promptly with your check in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope.

     Here's an interesting sidelight: Recently, a total stranger walked up to a National Airlines pilot picket in New York and insisted on donating $20 to the cause, with the statement, "It's little enough considering what you boys are fighting for. Good Luck!", whereupon he disappeared in the crowds of 42nd street.

     While on the subject of finances, the cost of resisting the National strike-breaking efforts, which have been made increasingly difficult by the activities of the scab element, has not lessened ALPA's operating expenses. To keep your ALPA dues and assessments slate clean is a prime requisite in achieving success in any Association project, and the National Strike is no exception. Remember, too, that the third Executive Board meeting of the AIR LINES PILOTS ASSOCIATION will convene in Chicago, beginning May 6. At this meeting, ALPA finances will be thoroughly examined and we know you will want to have a clean slate and be listed as a member in good standing. And, remember, above everything, your immediate response on the National assessment is paramount to the success of the strike.

          With every good wish, I remain
                Sincerely yours, 

                    David L. Behncke, President