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To All ALPA Members - 4              September 27, 1948

strike is in a definite stalemate

Yes, we all should be thankful the strike assessment is small, and it must be remembered that the most effective action and cooperation that the membership of ALPA as a whole can extend in this momentous and all-important battle against Baker to bring it to a successful conclusion without impairing the laws and standards of the airline pilots, is to pay the National strike assessments and all other Association obligations promptly when received. If this is not done, it not only doubles and triples the work and cost of operating our Bookkeeping Department, but also it makes it impossible to pay promptly the National strike benefits to the National pilots. And, as mentioned in my last letter of August 31, 1948, "there can be no payday  for the front-line men -- the National pickets -- until you do." 

Headquarters is pressing this fight forward in every conceivable way to a successful conclusion by utilizing every possible legal and lawful means that is available to us.

We all by this time realize that this is far more than a flash-in-the-pan action, and it is the first time that ALPA's staying power has been seriously tested in a battle where no holds are barred nor any limits placed on the number of rounds to be fought, but what it takes to win will clearly and decisively demonstrate the mettle of our membership. I have been fighting the battles of the air line pilots in a never ending chain for 17 years with never a letup. When right is clearly on our side, I never lose any sleep about the outcome.

Headquarters will inform promptly your chairman and all ALPA officers of new developments, and if things get in the doldrums due to Washington inactivity, it may be necessary to jolt our Washington friends into action with more material assistance from all the membership.

Let's continue to have at it with the zest and zip and go that is the tradition of every good ALPA member.

Sincerely yours,

David L. Behncke, President
David L. Behncke, President
