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New York World-Telegram


ROY W. HOWARD, President and Editor
LEE B. WOOD, Executive Editor
N. S. MACNEISH, Business Manager. 
Owned and published daily except Sunday by New York World-Telegram Corporation. Main Offices, 125 Barelay St. (15). 
Phone BArelay 7-3211

Member of United Press, Associated Press, Scripps-Howard Newspaper Alliance, NEA Service, inc.; Acme Newspictures, which organizations retain exclusive rights to all news and features credited to them. 

"Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way"

No Mercy Due Divorce Ring!
With three attorneys already under arrest and warrants issued for 10 more, District Attorney Frank S. Hogan has scored a strong start toward smashing the despicable divorce mill discovered in this city
A ring of lawyers who ran the mill are charges with having secured hundreds of uncontested divorces in the last four years by arranging, for fees ranging from $250 to $400, to get faked evidence in deliberately staged raids. 
District Attorney Hogan says the divorce practice of these "seperation specialists" was a sordid, dirty business based on fraudulent testimony, flagrant perjury and conspiracy to suborn perjury. 
As might be expected, it appears to have been the rage of one of the witnesses, at the smallness of the "cut" the lawyer gave her, which put the District Attorney on track of the ring whose alleged clue "divorce rigger" is one of three already arrested. 
Here's a shocking mess for Mr. Hogan and the grand jury to go on probing to the bottom. 
Every guilty lawyer should be prosecuted, as well as disbarred. Prosecution should overtake every perjured witness. So far as law permits, every divorce thus obtained should be invalidated, as a warning to other persons tempted to have recourse to these divorce mill methods.
There have long been rumors of this kind of thing, as well as of this kind of divorce lawyers in New York City. Having made his vigorous attack, District Attorney Hogan should push it to a complete and exterminating finish. 

Stalin Splits Berlin. 
Stalin has completed the East-West split of Berlin by setting up an illegal puppet municipal governemnt in the Soviet zone. This makes the lengthy efforts of the Western powers and of the United nations to get a compromise agreement with Russia all the more difficult, if not impossible. 
The timing of this latest Soviet sabotage of the Potsdam pact is significant. Stalin had been waiting for the U.N. meeting in Paris to adjourn before making his next move-it was easier for him to put the blame on the Western Allies when the U.N. spotlight is not fixed upon him. But the legal Berlin election is to be held next Sunday, and he could not allow his stooges to participate in that without revealing their lack of public support. 
This Red technique is not new. The Communists never permit free elections anywhere if they can help it, because they are a hated minority. They can gain power only by force. Whether the election form is dispensed with altogether, or a fake election is staged, the result is dictated by Stalin. In Berlin, the easiest way was simply to hold a meeting of the Russian party in the Soviet zone and [[torn; illegible]] at the city government. [[torn; illegible]] virtually all others, Stalin resorts [[torn; illegible]] his opponents of the [[torn; illegible]] in the resulting [[torn; illegible]]

War Industry Set to Go Underground
100 Sites Selected Already for Emergency

Scripps-Howard Staff Writer. 
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1.-At least part of America's war industry would go underground in a war emergency. The  National Munitions Board has found 100 suitable locations, according to Col. Shayer O. L. Robinson of the Armed Forces Industrial College. 
[[image; Tony Smith]]
Thousands of mines, tunnels and other types of underground vaults have been examined by the board. So far only a few have been found acceptable. Exact location of the sites approved is secret, but Col. Robinson said some were in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey and Maryland. 
The underground sites afford maximum protection from bombs, sabotage and other disruption, he said. Some are rated 100 per cent safe from external explosives.
* * *
Col. Robinson is a member of the Industrial College staff which is instructing reserve officers and selected industrialists in the military plans for economic mobilization. One of his lectures disclosed that already the Munitions Board has uncovered possibilities that the underground sites (for some industries) might provide advantages over their present locations above ground.
For example, the colonel listed these factors: constant temperatures, natural camouflage, no maintenance costs on buildings and fuel saving in winter. 
In classes conducted in such cities as Boston, Minneapolis, Detroit, Washington and Philadelphia, the military instructors stressed the problem of America's concentrated war potential. This will be a major theme also when the college send its experts to Houston, Tex., Denver, Pittsburgh, Cleveland and New York. 
* * *
Col. Robinson says too many industrialists are operating on the erroneous assumption that World War II expansion brought dispersal of the nation's war industries. His charts show the nation's largest war-making potential is concentrated on the Pacific Coast and along the Ohio River. The Eastern industry extends from the Ohio River to the Atlantic Coast.
In some spots, the hand-picked audiences have been told, industries are so heavily concentrated in a single target area that it would be possible for an enemy virtually to paralyze our war effort by demolishing a small section of the country. 
"The present concentration makes America highly vulnerable to attack," Col. Robinson said. 

Q-Are Panama hats woven under water? A-The weaving is not done under water, as commonly believed, but both the fibers [[torn; illegible]] fingers must be kept [[torn; illegible]] and for [[torn; illegible]]

Neatest Trick of the Month-If You Ca[[torn]]
[[political cartoon]]

Letters from Re [[torn]]

See Malthus Contradicted By Facts in This County.
By J.P. Dernum.
It is starting to read in today's (Nov. 29) World-Telegram Lawrence Fertig. "Writer on Economic Affairs," citing Malthus with approval as an authority on population increase. For the Malthusian theory has been completely exploded long before Mr. Fertig had been introduced to his first pair of knickers. 
Indeed, after presenting, and apparently himself accepting, as an established fact, the geometric ratio increase theory of Malthus, Mr. Fertig unconsciously contradicts it a few paragraphs later when he writes: "The U.S. has no worries about this matter because our population is low in comparison with out resources. According to statisticians, our population will level off around 160 million."
If the [[torn; illegible]] the same time steering clear of those practices comdemned by Him who came to this earth to serve and bless all mankind.
Leonia, N. J.

Thinks Senator Wagner Should Resign His Office. 
By C. B. Wilson.
It is difficult to justify the continued incumbency of Sen. Wagner as New York Senator in Washington. He is now an old man, and should be definitely advised that he should at once resign. he certainly cannot now accomplish anything fro the people of this state in Washington, and he has not earned his salary for some years. 
It is high time that some one should be appointed in his place, so that in conjunction with Sen. Ives, we can at least have two men in the Senate [[torn; illegible]]