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November 14, 1949

to abide by the Executive Board mandate.  The action taken is clear and straightforward, and if there are any misunderstandings they should be discussed with the chairman of your council.

Headquarters has contacted the CAA, the CAB, and the air line operating officials of each air carrier to implement the action of the Executive Board.  Copies of these letters are attached.

The immediate and wholehearted assistance and cooperation of every Association member and, in particular, its officers and chairmen will be necessary to effectively carry out the mandate of the Executive Board, which was approved by the Board of Directors of ALPA, to end the practice of air line pilots ferrying aircraft with one or more engines inoperative.

A Headquarters recommended procedure to follow when a member is asked by a company official to ferry an air line plane with one or more engines inoperative is that the pilot should state he would like to be relieved of the assignment on the grounds that he doesn't consider it a proper or safe practice.  If the air line official then persists, the member approached should ask the air line official to put his orders in writing, and the member involved should immediately contact his chairman who will, in turn, contact Headquarters promptly.  Finally, if the official still insists that the disabled aircraft be ferried, the thing to do is to tell him it will be done under protest and that the protest will be in writing and a copy mailed to the Air Line Pilots Association.  If this doesn't stop the official, then rather than suffer discharge action, the usual practice has been - if the plane can be flown without immediate danger to life and property - to fly it and a grievance will be filed immediately simultaneously with Headquarters taking strong action directly with the company.

I am sure if aggressive action is pursued respecting this matter by all ALPA officers, chairmen and all members, the day is not far away when there will be no more ferrying of four-engine aircraft with any engine inoperative.

Your prompt and continued cooperation will be appreciated.

Sincerely yours,


David L. Behncke, President
