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Mr. David L. Behncke, President
Air Line Pilots Association
3145 West 63rd Street
Chicago 29, Ill.

October 28, 1948.

Dear Dave;

On October 15, 1948 " Red " Foster and myself went to Washington to see Mr. Latimer. The purpose of our visit was to talk to Mr. Latimer about retirement problems. It was also our intention, at your suggestion, to talk to him about the  " Finston " newspaper article appearing in the " Chicago Herald American Of September 24, 1948, wherein Mr. Latimers Name was mentioned in connection with the 'Red or Communist' front. 

With regards to the " Finston " newspaper article, Mr. Latimer had the following to say:

1. That he is a United States veteran of World War I. As a soldier he was fingerprinted at that time and he has no doubts that his fingerprints are a matter of record with the government.

2. Mr. Latimer was a government employee up until mid-summer of 1947.

3. Mr. Latimer was deeply concerned over the "Finston" article and that he had already consulted with a lawyer about the advisability of sueing for slander. He was informed that there was nothing much that could be done. Mr. Latimer could only sue if he would suffer financial loss, at this time.

During Mr. Latimers conversation with us on this subject it was apparent that Mr. Latimer was under considerable restraint. No doubt an honorable man of his caliber and ability feels mortaly wounded when his integrity is questioned. As far as we are concerned we do not have one iota of doubt concerning Mr. Latimer as a good substantial United States Citizen.

A close perusal of the "Finston" article, (which I am returning in this cover) clearly indicates to menthat Mr. Finston is nothing but a " hack " writter who is persueing his trade, lineing his pockets with silver by selling mankind short. That type writter employes one means of perpetrateing his dastardly acts, i.e. slander anybody especially if he has a big enough name to make the headlines. He never finds it necessary to prove anything. 

With kind regards, I am

Sincerely yours

Michael A.Gitt
Member, Retirement Committee

A.F. Foster
Clayton Stiles