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Mr. Charles Rohles, Bookkeeper
Air Line Pilots Association
3145 West 63 Street
Chicago 29, Ill.

April 29, 1949.

Dear Mr. Rohles,

Thank you for sending me my November 1948 flight pay loss. I fully realize what a bookkeeping problem it is to adjust your books to take care of a late payment. Therefore I appreciate your courtesy all the more.

My letter to you of March 19th also contained a request for payment of a Base Pay Loss. As yet, I have not received that money. I am enclosing my November 1948 pay sheet again. Please note that I only received $217.22 of my base pay of $283.33, ($283.33  which is just 23/30ths of that amount. Therefore would you kindly send me a check for the difference in the amount of $66.11, in order to collect my base pay loss for that month.

I noticed that there was a difference of a couple of dollars less in the amount of my flight pay loss as you paid it. Would you please advise me as to just where that discrepancy exists?

With best wishes, I am,

Sincerely yours,

Michael A. Gitt