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Mr. Charles Rohles, Bookkeeper
Air Line Pilots Association
3145 West 63 Street
Chicago29, Ill.

March 19, 1949.

Dear Mr Rohles;

Enclosed please find My flight pay loss forms for November 1948. In addition there is due me the amount of $66.11 for base pay loss. This is the first time that I or anybody else at Colonial has ever had a base pay loss for ALPA. activities.

It is interesting to note that the other pilot Colonial Pilot delegates to the convention were not docked for base pay losses. I have deliberately held back on sending in this claim for pay loss, because I entertained a wild hope that perhaps I could save the Association the base pay loss ($66.11). As you can see we now have a new regime at Colonial and this is the result.

I realize that this delay will play the devil with your books, and for that I am very sorry. However, if I had been successful, then we would have saved the Association some money. 

With best wishes, I am,

Sincerely yours,

Michael A. Gitt
Michael A. Gitt

P.S. Will you kindly send me a batch of Flight Pay Loss Forms.

11/8- 50.17}   66.44
11/9- 16   } 

11/10 5-10-15} 70 85
11/13 14     } 

11/14 1-6-9}   60 70
11/18 14   } 

11/19 1-6-9}   65 00
11/20 50   } 