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2. Since you are now in Syracuse as a result of bidding a vacancy that was advertised as existing in Syracuse; since at the same time the Company by its own bulletins showed that one or more vacancies existed simultaneously at New York; since you were not allowed to bid these New York vacancies; then perhaps if this fact can be substantiated by a group grievance on the part of the council, you should be able to collect any damages as a result of being based at Syracuse, away from home. Specifically your expenses
while at Syracuse. The obvious course as I see it, is for the council to file a group grievance on this question.

This letter is of necessity quite lengthy and perhaps a bit involved. If any part of this letter raises any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.

With kind regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
M. A. Gitt

D. L. Behncke
C. N. Sayen
F. D. Smith
M. Schy
K. Ulrich
B. S. Macklin
R.B. Silver