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3. That A.M. Hudson cease and desist from

(a) failing, or causing the failure, refusal or neglect of any air carrier, to keep and preserve its accounts, records and memoranda in the form and manner prescribed by the Uniform System of Accounts for Air Carriers issued by the Board, dated January 1, 1947, and such amendments thereto as may hereafter be prescribed by the Board; and

(b) causing to be offered, granted or given, or by any device or means, assisting, suffering or permitting, any person to obtain air transportation at less than the rates, fares or charges lawfully in effect.

4. That Colonial Airlines, Inc., as soon as practicable after the service of this order, and in no event later than 60 days thereafter, file a report demonstrating compliance with this order and setting forth the dates and manner of achieving such compliance, and shall file thereafter such additional reports as may be required by the Board.

5. That Sigmund Janas, Sr., file with the Board within 15 days from the date hereof a true and correct report of his stock ownership and other interests, including stock owned directly, indirectly, beneficially or by any member of his family or any relative, and that, until further order of the Board, the said Sigmund Janas, Sr., truly and accurately report to the Board any change in such stock ownership within 5 days after the date of such change.

6. That this proceeding be closed without prejudice to the effect and enforcement of this order, or the right to reopen upon motion of the Office of Enforcement for good cause shown.

By the Civil Aeronautics Board:

/s/ M. C. Mulligan

M.C. Mulligan