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To All ALPA Members - 3
March 12, 1951

With all of these things in the picture who would they be fighting the hardest and most vigorously?  The answer is easy.

This should be readily obvious to all members and as Jerry Wood - our First Vice President - would say, "everybody keep his seat belt on until we get to the ramp".

Sincerely yours,


David L. Behncke
David L. Behncke, President


P.S.  One final word - the AA battle and other major struggles we are in at the moment are costing a terrific amount of money and they will cost a lot more before being completed.  We have practically packed up a good part of Headquarters staff and moved it to New York to the scene of the AA Presidential Board hearings.  Nothing is being spared or overlooked. Obviously it goes without saying that all dues adjustment matters should be taken care of promptly so that we don't have the worry of finances hanging over our least not while ALPA is fighting the most important issue to the air line pilots since Decision 83.