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9th Convention, that in various isolated cases it has been definitely established that efforts were made to willfully defraud our organization by false reporting of annual earnings, and

"WHEREAS the future of our present method of dues collection hangs in the balance unless a positive and unquestionable means of ascertaining each member's annual earnings can be established.

"THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT each member be required to submit a W-2 form or a photostatic copy thereof, (Foreign based pilots may in lieu of a W-2 form furnish a statement from Accounting signed by Division Accountant verifying their annual earnings) which will be sent in with the dues adjustment card not later than March 31, each year, and

"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the 11th Convention endorses the mandate of the Fourth Executive Board to provide that our members who have not returned a correct dues adjustment and verification of annual earnings by March 31 of the year following which income was received shall be considered delinquent and subject to penalties as provided in Article III, Section 9, paragraph (a) of the ALPA Constitution and By-Laws, and

"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution will be made a part of the Annual Dues Adjustment Mailing by Headquarters,

"AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the W-2 or annual income verification form will be returned to each pilot by Headquarters with his next quarterly flying card."

In summarizing, Headquarters cannot emphasize too strongly the matter of completing promptly the attached  "Percentage of Dues Review" card and returning it to Headquarters. This must be completed before we can close our books for the year 1950, and must be completed by March 31, 1951, so that the costly penalty will be avoided. Again Headquarters points out, regardless of whether your actual earnings from air line flying place you in the same bracket in which you estimated, this dues estimate recheck card must be returned by the deadline date of March 31, 1951. Even though no dues adjustment is necessary, the Constitution and By-Laws now provide that a member must be placed in bad standing and will not receive a good standing flying card after March 31, 1951, until such time as the "Percentage of Dues Review" adjustment card is returned to Headquarters.

We have found from experience that the best way to handle things of this nature is to take care of them immediately upon receipt thereof because it is only human nature that when one receives something of this character, he lays it aside thinking he will take care of