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6. Eastern's Financial Status: 

     "...Through hard work, practical business practices, and the determination to stand on its own two feet, Eastern Air Lines has achieved what is generally recognized as the soundest financial position in the airline industry. Since Eastern was reorganized under its present management nearly 14 years ago has never had an unprofitable year...

     "...The loan of $30,000,000 arranged to assist in the purchase of our new $100,000,000 fleet was advanced to Eastern at one of the lowest rates granted any American industry. And Eastern expects to pay for this entire fleet out of depreciation, cash saved, and earnings. It is safe to say no other airline in the industry could undertake such a program on its own...

7. Employment of Colonial Personnel:

     "...You all appreciate the benefits the combination of Colonial and Eastern will provide the public, the government and the taxpayers. It is only natural however, however, that you must measure those benefits to yourself strictly in terms of how it is going to affect your personal welfare, your future and your security.

     "...If you are concerned about whether or not you will have a job when the companies are actually combined you can stop worrying right now. 

     "...There is a place in that combined company for every man and woman in the Colonial organization.  

     "...As a matter of fact, and based only on the increased traffic we can develop by improving and expanding the service, the combination of our operations will, in our opinion, bring about the need of two to three times the number of personnel now employed at Colonial's stations.

8. Personnel Policies:

     "...You, naturally, want to know what kind of an outfit Eastern is to work for, too. You have undoubtedly heard the expression: 'The Eastern Air Line Family.' There are good reasons behind this descriptive term. Eastern operated on the firm belief that there is a close family relationship between the company and its employees. The company supplies its people with the best equipment and tolls to do a good job and looks to it employees for honest, loyal effort. In return, you look to the company for steady work, security, and the opportunity to make the most of your own talents and ambitions.