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15. Group Insurance:

"...We have what we think is the best Group Life Insurance plan in the industry. This insurance is issued at 51c per thousand dollars in coverage per month. Dividends, however, are paid to the employees in substantial amounts each year, depending on the experience logged in that particular year. These dividends have run as high as 50% of the annal premium make thing cost of this insurance to the employee practically negligible. 

16. Hospital, Surgical and Medical Plan:

"...Ten, we have a special Group Hospital Surgical and Hospital Insurance Plan - the only one and the best of its kind in the industry today. These special plans were worked out particularly for Eastern Air Lines by the Prudential Insurance Company - after we had studied more than 25 of the best plans available in the industry. It provides for greater coverage and larger benefits at lower rates than any of the established plans and is accepted at any accredited hospital in any area served by Eastern Air Lines. 

17. Employee's Credit Union:

"...Our Employees Federal Credit Union has asset of $1,144,000 and makes available opportunities for savings and loans on a standard payroll deduction basis.

18. Retirement Plan:

"...We have a Retirement Plan, too, which we believe is superior. all employees who have completed three years of service are eligible to participate and, after ten years of service, have a vested interest in the Plan. Because we believe that Eastern's employees are entitled to the best, we didn't just accept one of the standard Retirement Plans. It took us ten years to develop this one, after checking and cross-checking the best that was available. Here, again, the Prudential Insurance Company worked this out for us. It is so designed that every member of the family can count on a secure income in his or her elder years and, toward that added security, the Company contributes two-thirds of the cost, the employee only one-third of the cost.

19. Availability to Colonial Employees:

"...This Retirement Plan - like all the other benefits and advantages which have been outlined - will be available to all Colonial personnel on the same terms on which they are now available to Eastern personnel.