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January 26, 1952.

Dear Flo:

Your living in Syracuse and we in New York, rather limits us to an exchange of information and pleasantries by phone. Perhaps through this letter it will serve to keep our mutual interests alive.

Some statistics have been compiled by a Captain Moss of Pan- American, which will soon be put out for Public Consumption after a talk he delivers on this topic before the Institute of Aeronautical Sciencesthis coming week. In his talk he makes reference to the accident rate amongst Airline Pilots. One out of nine pilots having flown for several yearswill have a Fatal Accident, one out of four will hav a Non- Fatal Accident. These figures are alarming and we must succeed inthe name of Safety , which I am sure concerns us and our Families.

Mrs A. F. Foster, the wife of 'Red' Foster, Regional Vice President of A. L. P. A. and a TWA pilot requested me to contact the Airline Pilots Wives on Colonial Airlines and inform them of the action being taken by all airline pilots wives ( Wives Only ) all over the country. This action is in the form of a petition based on these three points:

1. To reestablish the Independant Air Safety Board.
2. Honest investigation of Maintenance.
3. Honest investigation of what loads the airplanes were built to carry and what load they are Carrying.

This action is being taken by the wives only and is independant of the pilot group. This action has also been cleared with A.L.P.A. Headquarters and A.L.P.A. Washington Representative. The petition will be presented in Washington to Senators Ives of New York and Kefauver of Tenn. and to Certain Congressmen in the House of representatives. This being an election year it should help.

It would be appreciated if you will inform all the Colonial Pilots Wives in Syracuse and any wives of any other Airline Pilots you may know of in the Syracuse Area. May we have your reaction as soon as possible, so we can expedite this matter, and arrange for obtaining your signature to this petition.

Lets act now in the interest of safety.

With kind personal regards, Iam,

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. Cornelia K. Gitt
188-40 B 71st Crescent
Flushing 65, New York.