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Captain R. B. Silver, Chief Pilot
Colonial Airlines Inc.
La Guardia Field, Jackson Heights
New York, New York.

September 17, 1952.

Dear Bob,

I have been wanting to sit down and write you for some time now, but what with the stress and strain of purchasing a new home, that little detail of taking title and then the associated problem of moving to my new home has left me very little time indeed for the niceties and pleasantries of life.

I particularly want you to know how fully I appreciate your efforts in making it possible for me to get an advance on my salary from the Company which was certainly needed, and was very handy indeed. Would you be so kind, and inform anybody else in the Company who helped make this salary advance possible, of my appreciation.

With best wishes, and kind personal regards, I am,

Sincerely Yours,

Michael A. Gitt
Michael A. Gitt