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The matter was not raised at the hearing, and the record is silent as to the nature of the alleged pension agreement. 13/ In view of this, there is insufficient basis for us to consider ALPA's request. 

We have carefully considered the exceptions to the recommended decision and find that they are without merit and should not be sustained. In view of the foregoing and all the facts of record, we find: 

1. That the proposed acquisition of Colonial by Eastern is consistent with the public interest, will not result in a monopoly and thereby restrain competition or jeopardize another air carrier not a party to the transaction, and should be approved subject to the following terms and conditions: 

(a) that the assets taken over by Eastern should be entered on Eastern's books at the book value of such assets as of the date of the transfer, 14/

(b) that the approval granted herein shall not in any manner be relied upon as a basis for augmenting the investment value for rate-making purposes of the certificates, property and other assets to be acquired by Eastern, nor shall such approval be deemed a determination for rate-making purposes of the reasonableness of any costs or charges claimed by Eastern or Colonial under the acquisition agreement, and 

(c) that such agreement be subject to the labor protective provisions set forth in Appendix A to the recommended decision. 15/

13/ An examination of the Board's docket of a pending Colonial mail rate proceeding indicates that the alleged pension agreement has never been put into effect.

14/ Obviously, this condition does not govern the manner in which Eastern shall treat these assets for tax purposes.

15/ While we have specified the labor protective provisions that are warranted in the instant case, there may be difficulties which have not been foreseen and which will require further Board action. Accordingly, we shall reserve jurisdiction to make such amendments, modifications or additions to these conditions as circumstances may require.