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[[stamp: 4 columned table]]
|---|---|President| C |
|---|---|Exec. V.P|---|
| X | X |Pres. Sec'y|---|
|---|---|Pres. Asst.|---|
|---| X |Legal|---|
|August 18, 1967|---|E & O|---|
Bring-up_________ By________
[[/stamp: 4 columned table]]

[[left margin]] COPY [[/left margin]]

Mr. Donald W. Madole
Speiser, Shumate, Geoghan & Krause
851 National Press Building
Washington, D.C. 20004

Dear Mr. Madole:

This is in response to yours of June 12, 1967, with regard to the petition for Captain Furlow. 

In light of your analysis of the likelihood of success, I do not feel it is sufficiently encouraging to warrant ALPA's pursuing the matter at this time.  Therefore, if the petition is continued, Captain Furlow would be obliged to support the cost.

Sincerely yours,

Charles H. Ruby, President

cc: Granger