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Mr. Charles H. Ruby, President
Air Line Pilots Association
55th Street and Cicero Avenue
Chicago, Illnois 60638

October 9, 1967

Dear Charlie

First off I want to thank you for the prompt attention you are giving me with the age 60 problem.

In your October 5th letter, you talk about misgivings in setting up a committee such as I sugested without going through channels. In this regard, I have no doubt, that an 'old organizer" (i.e. old in experience not in age) like yourself could and would handle such a problem in a good and proper fashion. Of course, in the last paragraph of your last letter, it appears that you also agree for the necessity for setting up such a committee.

With regard to the pilot who wishes to retire at an age earlier than 60, I say more power to him but by the same token, I don't want that same individual to prevent me from flying after age 60. Provided of course I am willing and mentally and physically able to do so.

As to haow to proceed; In my last letter, I agreeded with you that there was not much hope from the courts. As I see it, it would have to be done on a political level, i.e. through Congress or even better still through the White House. This is a good time for political action as 1968 is just around the corner and the White House will most certainly need favorable votes for November of 1968. As for Congress, I believe that we would find many individual members of congress that could be convinced to look favorably upon our cause. We should not overlook the opportunity to find a good P.R. man and employ his talents to help carry the ball. However the pilots should be the mainspring in the action. 

This just a few thoughts with reference to your request for any ideas on how to proceed. What do you think?

With best personal regards, I am, 