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Law Offices of
1815 H STREET, N. W.

August 28, 1968

Captain G. D. Goss
3045 Carson Street
Aurora, Colorado 80010

Dear Captain Goss:

This will constitute my report to the Committee concerning my attendance with Captains Gitt and Richardson, at a special meeting of the EAL-MEC held in Miami on Monday, August 26th.

As you know, Captains Gitt and Richardson had been advised on Saturday, August 24th, that their attendance at this meeting was necessary. It was at their request that I attended as well, primarily because it was anticipated that my August 21st meeting with W. Glen Harlan, Eastern's Vice-President/Legal Affairs, was to be a subject of consideration. At my request, Captain Tully extended to me the privilege of attendance and of addressing the MEC.

At the outset, Captain Tully described for the MEC, his August 23rd conversation with Bill Whatley, whose title with Eastern is, I believe, Director of Labor Relations. It was indicated that Whatley had been advised by Glen Harlan that I had proposed an agreement with Eastern concerning the employment of age-retired pilots, and that I had, in addition, suggested that our Committee would foster or encourage litigation against Eastern under P.L. 90-202 in the event of a failure to make adequate provision for such employment. Captain Tully indicated that this matter was a source of embarrassment and concern, and that he deplored such action by the Committee.

I was then permitted to address the MEC concerning the subject of Captain Tully's remarks. I sought to make clear the following points:

(1) It was never the Committee's wish to place itself at odds with the EAL-MEC or any other MEC, and, in my view, the Committee had not done so.

(2) Mr. Whatley's report to Captain Tully failed, in several material respects, to reflect what actually transpired during my meeting with Mr. Harlan. The principal purpose of my visit with Mr. Harlan was to determine what response Eastern would make in the event that an age-retired pilot were to apply to Eastern for lawful (under the