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ALPA Int'l 

Air Line Pilots Association
Munsey Building, 1329 "E" Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
Affiliated with A.F.L.-C.I.O.

September 11, 1968

The Honorable Harrison A. Williams
352 OSOB
United States Senate
Washington. D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Williams:

It was with great pleasure and interest we noted your statement in the Congressional Record of September 9, 1968, Page S 10473, concerning compulsory retirement.

Be advised that the air line pilots, unlike the fabulous Satchel Paige, are required by Federal regulations to retire at age 60 notwithstanding their physical condition. We believe that the statement by Howard A Rusk, Md., was most pertinent and also applicable to the air line pilots.

We recently had a retired pilot who just prior to his compulsary [[compulsory]] retirement passed, with flying colors, the most exacting physical tests which were administered by the FAA, and yet that same FAA denied this Captain the right to continue his employment. Our position is briefly, that the Federal Aviation Administration has the machinery and utilizes same to disqualify a pilot for medical purposes at any age, and we see no reason why that same machinery cannot be utilized to extend the pilot's working life beyond age 60 when he complies with all the physical standards required by the FAA.

We would be pleased to discuss this matter in detail with you at your convenience, and ask that you support us in this endeavor to modify or remove this arbitrary and capricious regulation.

Sincerely yours,

James E. Meals
James E. Meals
Director of Governmental
and Legislative Affairs


"Schedule With Safety"