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Law Offices of 
Herbert A. Levy
Suite 1250, Federal Bar Building
1815 H Street, N. W. 
Washington, D. C. 20006
Area Code 202

August 16, 1968

Captain B.J. Diedrich
Braniff Pilots Master Executive Council
2412 North Greenway Drive
Coral Gables, Florida

Re: Special Association Committee On Age 60 Retirement

Dear Joe:

While this happens to be an official communication to you in my role as counsel with the Age 60 Committee, I am certain that you will first permit me the personal privilege of bending the protocol by extending my warmest good wishes and congratulations upon your recent assumption of the Braniff Chair. Reflecting back on leaner days when we worked and worried together about blue-nosed airplanes trespassing down the West Coast of South America, freight embargoes at Cali and the like, it now seems absolutely remarkable that you have covered so much distance so rapidly. I'm certain you know how delighted I have been to observe your dramatic achievements.

One of the Age 60 Committee's current efforts is addressed to maintaining employment rights in other flight occupations of pilots who have been compelled because of age to retire from the line. In that connection, the Committee thought it appropriate that I clear with you the prospect that Braniff might be included among the airlines to which this carrier-by-carrier effort is directed, so that Braniff pilots might