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supply the nation of occurrence with any relevant information it has available regarding the aircraft and flight crew involved. The nation conducting the inquiry is required to forward the subsequent notification involving a transport aircraft to the Nation of Registry, the nation of manufacture and to the International Civil Aviation Organization. The nation in which the aircraft accident occurs must institute an inquiry into the circumstances of the accident. The inquiry shall include collection and recording of all available relevant information; analysis of the evidence; determination, if possible, of the cause, and an accident report. Where possible, the scene of the accident shall be visited, wreckage examined and statements taken from the witnesses. The Nation of Registry is entitled to appoint an accredited representative to be present at the inquiry. The nation in which the aircraft was manufactured is entitled to send an accredited representative to an "inquiry" into an accident involving a jet transport aircraft unless it is specifically indicated in the initial notification of the accident that such action is unnecessary. This is a qualified right of participation. An accredited representative shall be permitted to visit the scene of the accident; examine the wreckage; question witnesses; have full access to all relevant evidence and be provided with copies of all pertinent documents. Also, a report containing the findings of the inquiry, together with the substantiating information upon which the conclusions were based, shall be sent with a "minimum of delay" to the Nations of Registry and manufacture.