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party who intends to raise an issue concerning foreign law. The court will make the determination on the foreign law by ruling on a question of law. This, in effect, takes the foreign law situation from the realm of factual determination into a legal determination by the court. Further, it provides for sources of proof which can include "any relevant material or source, including testimony", which will allow counsel to prepare his proof by use of documents, foreign legal treatises, as well as testimony of foreign lawyers.

A Few How To Do It Rules

On any international flight, the records of flight clearance, progress, departure and arrival times, altitude and significant weather, will be available at various governmental facilities that have provided air traffic control service to the flight. Since any international flight requires communication and coordination with more than one country, it may be that evidence can be obtained from a nation not obviously involved in the accident or investigation. This is important because some airlines and airplane companies are owned and controlled by their governments. In the past certain nations have been reluctant to make information available that reflects adversely on their government controlled industry. When this occurs it is sometimes possible to break the ice by obtaining the information from other sources. For example, flight routing, weather, and operational data may be readily available in some country that the aircraft flew over. It is possible at times to obtain information on the crew from other companies that furnished some part of their training or even from other airlines that have experienced operating problems with the same type of aircraft.

Weather information is generally available in the United States for any location on earth due to an international net-