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R O U T E  3    B O X   3 1 
(303) 343-7979

3045 Carson Street 
Aurora, Colorado 80010

March 29, 1968

Captain Michael A. Gitt
94 Kingspoint, New York 11024

Dear Mike:
I truly appreciate your comments in regard to the difference between referring to an individual as Pardner in the West and Pal in the East, and since I am use to talking this Western lingo and yet being a confirmed Eastern, I'll have to refer to you as Howdy Partner Pal. 

I would like to congratulate you upon the work you have accomplished with the Aviation Daily and also with Eastern Air Lines Vice-President, Mr. Higgenbottom. I believe if we could all assert the energy that you have been able to put out, we would be able to overturn this Age 60 ruling in three weeks. However, I think it may take longer than that. 

I was most pleased to see that you have contacted some people with American and I would be more than willing to meet with their people and see if we can get some able assistance from that group. It would be most interesting to have the FAA become aware of the fact that this is not totally an ALPA problem, that, rather an industry wide problem, and I think that this can be accomplished if we can spread the word and I will. 

I am, like you, are fully aware of the fact that we must get some public relations rolling and rolling in the very near future. In regard to Mr. Phil Salk, the man you referred to as being a new hire in the home office, I am fully aware of him and his capabilities and I have a very close communication with Phil and I will be more than glad to talk with him and see if we can enlist his assistance in the very near future. However, it is my opinion anyone associated with the headquarter's office comes fully under the comments of Mr. Ruby and Mr. K. McMurray and I would be more than a little concerned as to the exact information that we could expect to have come through anyone so closely associated with those two individuals. It is my best opinion and estimation that we should enlist someone who would be able to furnish us with some very capable public relations and if necessary see our way clear to provide this individual's financial reimbursement from the Association.