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Mr. Wilson indicated that the community was working on all these problems and major ones would be solved by July of 1968.

Chairman Tully recognized T.C. Webb, who presented a resolution which was seconded by W.G. Scruggs. Discussion on the resolution followed.

Chairman Tully recognized W.T. Malone who moved that the meeting be recessed for 30 minutes to reword the resolution.

Motion seconded and passed unanimously that meeting be recessed at 1630. At 1700 meeting reconvened.

The question was moved on T.C. Webb's original resolution. Motion failed.

Chairman Tully recognized T.C. Webb, DCA, who presented a resolution. This resolution was seconded by J. Railsback, MIA. Discussion followed on this resolution.

The question was moved and a vote was taken on this resolution. The resolution passed. It reads as follows:

WHEREAS the Eastern MEC acknowledges that jet operation into New Haven is at best, critical, and
WHEREAS the Easter MEC and Air Line Pilots Association acknowledge that New Haven fails to meet the basic criteria for a jet airport,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the MEC Chairman advise Eastern Air Lines, the FAA, and the City of New Haven that the pilots of Eastern Air Lines demand for jet operation into New Haven the following accomplishments:
1. Control Tower
2. Unrestricted Runway Lengths
3. Unobstructed Visibility to to other Runways
4. ILA or VASI
5. Adequate Runway and Taxi Lights
6. Runway Markings
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the above is not accomplished by February 1, 1968, the Pilots of Eastern will take the necessary action to terminate jet service into New Haven, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Pilots of Eastern be advised by the Chairman of their rights to by-pass New Haven in the interim period due to hours of darkness, wet or icy runways, or any other condition which may cause the Captain to deem it inadvisable to make a landing.

Chairman Tully directed the attention fo the MEC to Agenda Item Number 2 as follows: