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MAC Letter of Agreement (a) Termination of MAC Work.
Chairman Tully stated that Eastern plans to turn the MAC contract work over to Saturn in the spring. Pilots of EAL are bound by contract to accomplish this work. We cannot terminate the Letter of Agreement until September 30, 1968.
Chairman Tully asked John Loomos, ALPA Legal, to comment on the situation. He stated that the pilots of Eastern would be in a good posture contesting contracting work to another airline.
Chairman Tully recognized J. Railsback, MIA, who presented a resolution which was seconded by W. Scruggs.
During discussion it was brought out that the only redress available to the MAC pilots would be pay protection. J. Railsback stated we would be unable to stop company from giving up the contract, in his opinion.
Loomos stated that the MAC Government Contract has a termination date of July and as long as subject matter is still in fact, it is not out of order to file a grievance for this situation. A Neutral will force Eastern to settle problem if a grievance is filed.
A substitute resolution was made by I.L. McCafferty, BOS, and seconded by B.A. McDougal, NYC, as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED that subsequent to discussions with management, the Master Chairman file an MEC grievance to recover the MAC work or provide protection to the MAC pilots as necessary.
The Question was moved and the substitute motion was voted on. 11 for, 1 against and 0 abstain.
Chairman Tully directed the attention of the MEC to the second part of Agenda Item Number Two as follows: Section 14A of the MAC Agreement states a two plane capability. In the month of December the company was required to complete all work by December 22, which required three plane capability.
A resolution was presented by D. L. Leppard and seconded by B. McDougal, NYC, as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Master Chairman be directed to advise the company that the MEC expects that the published December MAC Schedule and Section 14A of the MAC Agreement be complied with.
The motion passed unanimously.
Chairman Tully recognized B. Busse, who called for a vote of thanks to be given to Lee Hines, John Wilson and Bruce Putney for their work on the New Haven situation.
Chairman Tully recognized B. McDougal who moved that the meeting be adjourned. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1905.
Robert L. Tully, Chairman
Eastern MEC