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Captain R. L. Tully.    -2-     March 18, 1968

If both recommendations were favorable, the Board of Directors of Eastern Air Lines would make the final decision as to a continuation of service.

Each extension of service is to be in one year increments up to age 65 at which time no further extensions would be considered.

Those present agreed that not all pilots would be suitable for such extensions, and the Company's considered decisions would have to be final.

If you are in agreement the above accurately represents our joint positions reached with Captains Gitt and Richardson duly acting on behalf of the MEC, please sign as indicated below and return to me so that I may make distribution of the original and copies.

John H. O'Neill
John H. O'Neill

JHO: all
cc: Messrs. M. J. Fenello
M. A. Gitt
J. Richardson

R. L. Tully