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QUESTION: May they originate on schedule out of RDU the following day at 1300?
ANSWER: NO .... because due to 2000 arrival at RDU their layover to 1300 of the next day is only 17 hours and their rest period is only 15:45 (17:00-1:15, Ref. Section 17-B). They cannot depart RDU until they have been given 16 hours for rest which in accordance with the duty time specifications of Section 17-B is 1315.


Scheduled Flight Sequence


LV BOS 1900 ARR STL 0000 4:30 Layover STL 13:00 Rest Period STL 11:45 (13:00-1:15, Ref. Section 17-B)

LV STL 1300 ARR DCA 1635 3:35 (8:05) Layover DCA 1:15

LV DCA 1750 ARR EWR 1900 1:10 9:15 Layover EWR 1:15

LV EWR 2000 ARR BOS 2115 1:05 10:20

QUESTION: Are the pilots legal to fly the trip departing from EWR at 2000?

ANSWER: NO .... the above example is not a legal schedule under Part 40.320 (c) above since the trip out of EWR is scheduled to begin at 2000 which is after the expiration of the 24 hour period which began at 1900 of the previous day. The FAA has interpreted a series of flights under Part 40.320 (c) above as those flights which are scheduled to be initiated and completed within a period of 24 consecutive hours. To comply with 40.320 (c) in the above example, the pilots would have to be given 16 hours free of all duty once they arrive at EWR.