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[[margin note]] Mike: Keep this Rick [[/margin note]]


The EAL Voluntary Retirement Plan and our EAL-ALPA "B" Retirement Plan along with the Amended Disability are deplorably inadequate.
In presenting our recent Contract to the pilot group, United's Contract was used as a comparison but comparison of the two retirement and disability plans was conveniently omitted. United Pilots will in some cases receive up to 75% more than EAL pilots.
We cannot depend on Headquarters to solve our problem, however, we can employ their assistance advantageously:
1. Our EAL Voluntary Retirement Plan is not a negotiated contract.
2. Headquarters will be tied up for years with many carriers who have little or no retirement plans.
Now is the time to negotiate it.
1. The Jet impact has made our plan as antiquated as a DC-4.
2. Disability protection is vitally important to all pilots, possibly of most importance to our largest group - - age 27 to 50, with children to age and educate.
3. Disability and Retirement necessarily go hand in hand. In other words, neither EAL or the insurance companies will go along with a disability payment that will exceed retirement benefits. We are at that point now. 
4. This may be our last chance. We have only about 350 pilots over 50, so cost at this end of the seniority list will be small compared to Disability Protection for the whole Pilot group and, 
5. Protection and Retirement can be treated as a contract item caused by the jet impact, inflation, and increased duties and responsibility. To the duties of Captains in all categoris will be added responsibility