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April 8, 1968

Mr. Benjamin Griggs
Vice President Flight Operations
Northeast Airlines, Inc.
Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport
St. Paul, Minnesota 55111

Dear Mr. Griggs:

Attached is a copy of a Resolution which was passed by the Northwest Airlines MEC on April 4, 1968.

Because I have overheard you express concern over the mandatory Age 60 Retirement Regulation (Re. Captain W.W. Shultz final flight) and because the Resolution requires that I, as MEC Chairman, solicit the assistance of the management of Northeast Airlines in accomplishing the rescinding of the compulsory Age 60 Retirement Regulation, I am directing this letter to you in the firm belief that your office can be of assistance in the rescinding of this regulation.

The compulsory Age 60 Retirement Regulation has not proven to be a true and accurate measurement of a pilot's physical or mental capacity to operate as an airline flight crew member. Instead, it places a heavy economic burden on the company to train a new pilot to replace a competent, highly experienced and well qualified pilot who is forced to retire only because of the changing of a date on the calendar. Such a practice is not fair or just to either the company nor the to the pilots who are involved in the compulsory 
Age 60 Retirement. 

The MEC will greatly appreciate any assistance that your office can render, and in turn, offers their assistance to you in any manner that may be necessary to accomplish the rescinding of this mutually disadvantageous regulation.

Douglas H. Parrott


G.D. GOSS, Chairman ✓
Special Committee on Age 60 Retirement

Transcription Notes:
Reopened. Format the top part as you would a letter. Separate things. Several other mistakes, as well.