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6. The assumed statistical risk of incapacitation is the largest reason for the medical disqualification of pilots and is also the major aeromedical reason justifying the Age 60 rule. I believe programs in process or currently recommended to the Executive Committee by the Aeomedical Coordinating Committee hold great promise and can make a major contribution in reducing permanent medical disqualification for all pilots regardless of their present age. I believe it is also the soundest way to attack the Age 60 problem.

7. I further believe that air line management is re-examining its position regarding Age 60 and that a joint ALPA-ATA program will be possible in the future, probably centered around continuing 60 as the normal retirement age but with provisions for selective modification, essentially depending on the desires of the individual pilot.

8. Problems associated with seniority retention and current pension plan provisions can make it very difficult, if not impossible, to provide protection for an increasing number of ALPA members who will retire in the interim period before modification can be achieved. Therefore, I believe a serious study by the Association and MEC's or Negotiating Committees should be made in order to best handle these problems in the event the pilot group wishes modification on its air line.

Respectfully submitted,
Harry Orlady m
Harry Orlady

cc: Mr. C. H. Ruby
Aeromedical Coordinating Committee
Age 60 Committee