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March 20, 1968      
Aviation DAILY       
Page 99

Eighteen men have been named regional winners in FAA's Aviation Mechanic Safety Award Program sponsored by the Air Transport Assn., National Aviation Trades Assn., and American Aviation Publications.  They will receive plaques in ceremonies to be held in nine cities during the next three weeks, and will compete for the top national awards in the general aviation and air carrier categories.
Winners, by FAA region, are: Alaskan Region, air carrier, Harry Durgeloh, Nothern Consolidated Airlines, Anchorage and general aviation, H. Stan Halvarson, Wien Alaska Airlines, Fairbanks; Central Region, air carrier, William Bridges and James Morris, Ozark Airlines, St. Louis, and general aviation, Robert M. Garmon, Des Moines Flying Service, Des Moines;
Eastern Region, air carrier, R.N. Smythe, American Airlines, Tulsa and general aviation, Donald Griffith, Queen City Flying Service, Cincinnati; European Region, air carrier, Calvin Loo and Philip Akai, Aloha Airlines, Honolulu, and general aviation, Clarion P. Young, Air Service Corp., Honolulu;
Southern Region, air carrier, Robert H. Cook, National Airlines, Miami, and general aviation William G. Palmer and Ira McCord, Page Aircraft Maintenance, Inc., Fort Rucker, Ala.; Southwest Region, air carrier Maxcell M. Renfro, Trans-Texas Airways, Houston, and general aviation, Creston L. Tysdal, Petroleum Helicopters, Inc., Lafayette, La., Western Region, air carrier, Dean Webster, United Air Lines, San Francisco, and general aviation, Daniel D. Grecco, Amphibians, Pearson Air Park, Vancouver, Wash.

Despite increased competition, Eastern Air Lines' shuttle is continuing to carry more than half the Boston-New York travel, with Northeast and American sharing the remainder about according to Frank J. Stulgatis, EAL air-shuttle director.  "American claimed, when it launched its campaign a year or so ago, that it would capture 35 percent of the market," he said.  "This has not been done.  Our latest statistics, for January, show that American has 23.8 percent of the business between Boston and LaGuardia, while Northeast can claim 22.4 percent.  Eastern carried approximately 54 percent."  For the last six months on the Washington-LaGuardia segment, EAL's market share averaged 73.9 percent, he said.
Using statistics adjusted to exclude traffic carried during July and August of 1966 and 1967 (EAL was on strike for 43 days in the 1966 months), Stulgaitis stated that the shuttle had grown 4 percent in the face of the increased American and Northeast competition.  In the 12 months of 1967, shuttle passengers totaled 3,264,806, divided 1,022,106 LaGuardia-Boston, 1,235,581 LaGuardia-Washington, 691,333 Newark-Boston and 315,786 Newark-Washington.
Stulgaitis added that in February operating figures show that 94 percent of shuttle flights departed "right on the dot" and 98 percent within 15 minutes, with 61 percent arriving on time and 94 percent within 15 minutes.  The shuttle fleet now includes 14 107-passenger DC-9-30 and 19 87-passenger Electras.
NEW BOOKS: Harry A. Bruno, public relations and aviation pioneer, by Princine Calitri, 298 pp., published by T.S. Denison & Co., Minneapolis.  $4.95.  Considerable early aviation history.
DONALD W. PULLING, former deputy director of FAA's Systems Maintenance Service, has been named deputy associate administrator for plans.  Jefferson W. Cochran, deputy director of the National Airspace System Program Office, will succeed Pulling in the SMS post.  A civil engineer, Pulling joined the Civil Aeronautics Administration in 1940.