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February 26, 1971

Dear Friend:

A hearing was held in the case of Outland et al, v. Volpe, et al before the Honorable Joseph C. Waddie, U.S. District Judge in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on February 16, 1971.

The hearing was on the Motion to Dismiss by the Federal Aviation Administration through their attorney from the Department of Justice. The judgment of the Court, however, was to allow us 30 days during which time we shall take the necessary steps to petition the Federal Aviation Administration for a hearing and thereby exhaust our administrative remedies.

We are rather pleased with the Court's decision since it puts the FAA on the defensive for the first time. They now have to either grant a hearing or reappear in Court and explain why they refuse to do so.

I should say, at this time, that this is but "round one", and the second round will be coming up shortly. We shall keep you all in formed regarding further developments in this case.

We need the continued financial support of all you fellow pilots!

Sincerely yours,

7941 West Drive
Miami Beach, Florida 33141
