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(1) The name and address of each director and each officer of the air travel club, and each person employed or who will be employed in a management position described in 123.13. 
(2) A list of flight crewmembers with the type of airman certificate held, including ratings and certificate numbers.
123.13 Management personnel required.
(a) Each applicant for a certificate under this part must show that it has enough qualified management personnel, including at least a director of operations, to assure that its operations are conducted in accordance with the requirements of this part. 
(b) Each applicant shall-
(1) Set forth the duties, responsibilities, and authority, of each of its management personnel, in the general policy section of its manual;
(2) List in the manual the names and addresses of each of its management personnel;
(3) Designate one person as responsible for the scheduling of inspections required by the air travel club manual and for the updating of the approved weight and balance system on all aircraft operated by the air travel club.
(c) Each air travel club shall notify the FAA District Office charged with the overall inspection of the air travel club of any change made in the assignment of persons to the listed positions within 10 days of such change. 
123.15 Management personnel: qualifications.
No person may serve as director of operations unless he knows the contents of the air travel club's manual and operations specifications, and the provisions of this part necessary to the proper performance of his duties.
123.17 Issue of certificate.
(a) An applicant for a certificate under this subpart is entitled to a certificate if it is a citizen of the Unites States and the Administrator finds that the applicant-
(1) Is properly and adequately equippd, and able to conduct a safe operation in accordance with the requirements of this part and the operations specifications provided for in this part;
(2) Has established and maintains a current list of all air travel club members with their name and address and the date each person becomes a club member; and
(3) Is not disqualified under paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) The Administrator may deny an application for a certificate under this subpart if he finds --
(1) That an air travel club certificate or an operating certificate required under Part 121 of this chapter previously issued to the applicant was revoked; or 
(2) That a person, who was employed in a management position similar to any listed under $123.13 or $121.59 of this chapter with (or has exercised control with respect to) any air travel club or any certificate holder under Part 121 of this chapter whose operating certificate has been revoked, will be employed in any of those positions or a similar position with the applicant and that the person's employment or control contributed materially to the reasons for revoking that certificate.

$123.19 Duration of certificate.

(a) An air travel club operating certificate issued under this part is effective for 1 year unless the Administrator sooner suspends, revokes, or otherwise terminates it.
(b) The Administrator may suspend or revoke a certification under section 600 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 and the applicable procedures of Part 13 of this chapter for any cause that, at the time of suspension or revocation, would have been grounds for denying an applicatior for a certificate. 
(c) If the Administrator suspends or revokes a certificate or it is otherwise terminated, the holder of that certificate shall return it to the Administrator.

$ 123.21 Contents of certificate and operations specifications.

(a) Each certificate issued under this part contains the following:
(1) The holder's name.
(2) A description of the operations authorized.
(3) The date is issued. 
(b) The operations specifications issued under this part contain the following:
(1) The kinds of operations authorized. 
(2) The types and registration numbers of aircraft authorized for use. 
(3) Special en route authorizations and limitations for routes that do not meet the requirements of $123.33.
(4) Special airport authorizations and limitations for airports that do not meet the requirements of $121.117 of this chapter.
(5) Approval of the provisions of the operator's manual relating to aircraft inspections, together with necessary conditions and limitations.
(6) Procedures for control of weight and balance of aircraft. 
(7) Any other item that the Administrator determines is necessary to cover a particular situation.  

$123.23 Operations specifications not a part of certificate. 

Operations specifications are not a part of an air travel club operating certificate. They are amended in accordance with the procedures specified in $121.79 of this chapter. 

Subpart C-Applicable Regulations

$123.27 Applicable regulations of Part 121.

Except as sepcifically provided in Subpart D of this part, each certificate holder and each other person to whom this part applies shall comply with the following provisions of Prt 121 of this chapter insofar as they apply to a commercial operator:
(a) Subpart D.
(b) $$ 121.117, 121.119, and 121.121 of Subpart F. ---> ?
(c) Subpart G.
(d) Subpart H, except $121.163.
(e) Subpart I.
(f) Subpart J.
(g) Subpart K, except $$ 121.310(a), 121.310(i), 121.310(j), 121.343, 121.357, and 121.359.
(h) Subpart M.
(i) $$ 121.415 through 121.453 of Subpart N.
(j) $$ 121.437 through 121.453 of Subpart O, except 121.441(a).
(k) Subpart T, except $$ 121.537(c) and 121.548.
(l) Subpart U, except $ 121.597(a).
(m) $$ 121.663, 121.669, 121.693, 121.697, 121.701, 121.703, and 121.705 of Subpart V, except $ 121.697(a)(3).

Subpart D-Additional Regulations

$123.31 Applicability. 

(a) In addition to the rules incorporated in Subpart C of this part, each certificate holder shall comply with the requirements of this subpart. 
(b) In the event of a conflict between the rules of this subpart and the provisions of Prt 121 of this chapter that are incorporated by Subpart C of this part, the rules of this subpart shall prevail.
(c) Each air travel club shall, while operating an airplane within a foreign country, comply with the air traffic rules of the country concerned and local airport rules, except where any rule of this part or any rule incorporated by this part is more restrictive and may be followed without violating the rules of that country. 

$123.33 Route requirements.

(a) No certificate holder may operate under day VFR unless it is equipped and able to conduct operations over, and use the navigational facilities associated with, the route that is being used. 
(b) No certificate holder may operate under IFR or night VFR unless it conducts that operation over Federal airways, foreign airways, other routes designated by appropriate authority, or within controlled airspace. However, the Administrator, may approve a route outside of controlled airspace if the certificate holder shows the route is safe for operations and the Administrator find that traffic density is such that an adequate level of safety can be assured. Such a route may not be used unless it is approved by the Administrator and is listed in the certificate holder's operations specifications. 

$123.35 Manual contents. 

(a) The certificate holder need not provide in its manual the information required by $$ 121.135(b) (4), (16), (17), and (19) of this chapter. 
(b) Each certificate holder must provide the following information in its manual:
(1) Instructions and procedures for the conduct of airplane inspections (which must include necessary tests and checks), setting forth in detail the parts 

No. 178---2  FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 33, NO. 178--THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1968