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Page No. 2

Complainant: CAPTAIN MICHAEL A. Gitt 
Complaint No. _______

F. The FAA itself uses check pilots who have never flown the "line" and  who were not employed as pilots by any airline. The same FAA pilots also issue original qualifying certificates to airline pilots who, through their authority, become eligible to fly the "line". i.e., Eastern is prohibiting a pilot with possibly more experience than an FAA safety pilot, from continuing in his employment merely because he reached the age of 60. It appears that Eastern is the only airline having this discriminatory policy. 

G. It appears also that the company itself realizes the fact that this rule is impracticable in addition to being discriminatory against pilots over 60. Noted in "News Letter Flight Talk", Eastern Airlines, March, 1968, page 5, during an interview with Mr. Higginbottom, he was questioned as follows:

"Question: Considering the pilot contracts and the other requirements of the jet, do you foresee a reduction in retirement age?

Answer: I wouldn't see any physical or phychological need to urge the reduction of the retirement age. I would think that they we may have seen some recognition of the fact that some people age more rapidly or more slowly than others, and I would hope that there's relaxation of the present fairly rigid retire-at-60 rule. The pilot who is young and vigorour at 60 and doing a good job with 40 years of experience should not have it thrown away. Set up a screening process that it impartial. 
That is something we should all be looking at. 

The above is a reprint taken from Airline Management and Marketing Magazine, dated January, 1968.

3. I am 60 years of age. Based upon the foregoing, I charge Eastern Airlines, S.L. Higginbottom, Vice President of Operations Group; and Airline Pilots Association, Charles H. Ruby, President, with discriminating against me by discharging me from my employment because of my age, in violation of the Human Rights Law of theState of New York.

I have not commenced any civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding in any court or administrative agency based upon the same grievance.

STATE OF NEW YORK}                               
COUNTY OF        } ss:     

Captain Michael A Gitt
(Signature of Complainant)

Captain MichaelA. Gitt, being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is Complainant herein; that he has read the foregoing complaint and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true of h own knowledge except as to the matters therein stated on information and belief; and that as to those matters he believes the same to be true.

Captain Michael A. Gitt
(Signature of Complainant)

Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 5th day of March, 1969

Maxine M. Flinn

Maxine M. Flinn
Notary Public, State of New York
No. 24-1254550
Qualified in Kings County 
Term Expires March 30, [[?]]

7-1-68-10M (7B3-67)