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Halliburton - direct     19

A No.

Q What about chartered flights?

A The same under our -- the same regulations govern chartered flights.

Q Testing aircraft that have been overhauled or subject to test, a periodic check, is that considered flying the line?

A No. 

Q Referring to the Federal Aviation Regulation in question which permits only flying the line, as I understand it, once the age 60 barrier is reached, would there be anything in contradiction to that regulation if Eastern were to hire Captain Gitt to fly ferry?

A It would under our present requirement.

Q F.A.A. Regulations would not contravene that regulation if you flew him on ferry flights? --

MR. HARLAN: Objection as a conclusion.

MR. FAILEY: Is there any dispute by any counsel that I have correctly stated F.A.A. Regulations?