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Halliburton - direct     26

A (Int'g) Captain Gitt, to our best knowledge does not possess the characteristics that we consider necessary to be a supervisor, regardless of the age 60.

Q His complaint is that you refused to hire him because he is over 60. Tell us what it is he lacks?

A He lacks the ability to go back on the line periodically and fly as a line pilot.

Q Is there anything in particular that he lacks?

A He lacks -- a manager of flying has duties other than flying. He has other supervisory duties. He has a group of pilots that he supervises, as any supervisor takes care of administrative needs to the group assigned to him.

In his opinion, Captain Gitt did not possess --

Q In whose opinion?

A In the opinion of Eastern Airlines.

Q You mean, he lacked the qualities to supervise pilots?

Q He did not possess the qualities that we considered necessary to be a manager of flying.