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Halliburton - direct     30

A We feel we do.

Q Captain Gift is not qualified as a job for a supervisor?

I am asking you for the moment to pass over his age and the disability that is put upon him through no fault of yourself and tell me whether or not Eastern Airlines on any other ground rejected this man as unqualified?

A We didn't reject him on any other ground. He never actually came in and applied for a supervisory job until after he reached 60, which it itself, disqualified him and there was no need to give him psychological tests or --

Q (Int'g) The fact is, then, because of the age 60 rule, you have never considered his application?

A That is correct.

Q You don't want to leave it with this Examiner that you found Captain Gift specifically deficient in any other capacity?

A No, not after he reached 60.