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Halliburton - direct    37

A No.

Q Each aircraft has a free seat where an observer may sit?

A Yes, some one and some two.

Q 727s. I believe have two, what are called jump seats?

A Yes.

Q For the purpose of permitting those other than the crew to sit in and observe the actual flights being conducted?

A The jump seat is occupied by the manager of flying when he is conducting line checks; yes,

Q Frmm [[From]] that position, he is able to fully familiarize himself with the degree of skill and the compliance with cockpit procedure being exercised by the crew he is checking?

A He should be.

Q He has a good view of the instrument panel and the control column and other --

A (Int'g) Generally speaking, he is not in a position like the captain to see the instruments as well, but has a general view. By moving