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Halliburton - direct    43

Q So that a pilot who flies regularly on that line could possess all of the skills necessary to manipulate the controls in a safe and skillful way.

A He would assume that.

Q Even though the airplane was empty; true?

A That has nothing to do with it.

Q Doesn't fly any different at all with passengers -- 

MR. SABLE: Or cargo?

Q The gross weight of the airplane?

The F.A.R. Procedure requirement of pilots does not very according to the nature of the load insofar as your equipment is concerned; do they? 

A That is correct.

Q The approaches are run in the same way?

The airplane has to be flown with an equal degree of skill?

A Correct.

Q What the pilot gains by way of being current in flying the line every three or four months, as I believe the policy, is in simply being up to date in what is going on on the schedule flights?