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Halliburton - direct     44

A That's correct.

Q He maintains a currency in how, for instance, the canned flight plans as put into the computer and fed out through the F.A.A. and A.T.R. are operating, as how effective they are; that's one of the things? 

A He has to remain current in everything connected with conducting the flight.

Q Other than the actual landing of the airline and taking off, what is it about being current that gears you to sit in the left seat instead of the jump seat? 

A That is the only way he can see.

Q What is different about a scheduled flight?

MR. WEISS: Different from what?

MR. BAILEY: From a ferry flight. 

THE WITNESS: Well, there are a number of differences. Scheduled flights are supposed to depart at a certain time, making certain stops, whereas the ferry flights just go from one point to another without any particular schedule that is followed.