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Halliburton - direct      46

he enters the cockpit until he gets out at the end.

Q  You mean that?

A  Yes.

Q  The starting of the engines?

A  Yes, everything.

MR. SABLE: Off the record.

(Discussion off the record.)

MR. SABLE: Back on the record.

BY MR. BAILEY (Cont'g)"

Q   You have agreed that any current pilot should be able to perform any job; true?

A   That is true.

Q   Before 1960, you used to have people flying the line over 65.

A   No, sir.

Q   You never did?

A   Never had it; never any over 65.

Q   Over 60?

A   Some over 60.

Q   At least up until General Quesada came up with