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Halliburton - direct    47

his rule, Eastern saw nothing wrong with keeping a pilot over 60?

A True.

Q You are solely abiding by the F.A.A. Rule on age limitation?

A We are required.

Q In addition to that, Eastern has gone further and said that even though the  F.A.A. will let you fly ferry, we can't because if you don't go back to the line periodically, you won't be a good ferry pilot; is that true?

A I said earlier, we don't have any group set aside that does not --

MR. BAILEY: Strike out that question.

THE WITNESS: It would be very uneconomical. We use regular line pilots as a contractual requirement. We use them to do all the ferrying except in very few special cases we use this small group of test and acceptance pilots.

MR. BAILEY: Strike out that question.